Wild Turkey Conservation, pt. 3:  The ones who made it

Wild Turkey Conservation, pt. 3:
The ones who made it


At this point in a Niche to Meet You miniseries–episode 3–we pull back the curtain even more on our niche subject, and we talk to the ones who are at the origins of it. We could have talked more about the movement in the mid 1900s that led to the founding of the NWTF, but our interviews revealed a longer–and older–story. We have to go back to the very beginning, to the traditions of the earliest conservationists, whose practices we borrow today. We welcome Mary Weakee, retired archeologist and turkey feather blanket expert, to explore the origins and significance of the bird for this country and the Indigenous people who loved it first.

  • Read more about Mary HERE

  • Watch Mary talk about the feather blankets HERE

Want to go deeper with Wild Turkeys? 

(because people who are willing to do things for your passion project out of the abundance of their heart deserve to be acknowledged):

Senior producer/host: Leslie Thompson (IG: @leslieeilerthompson, leslieethompson.com)
Associate producer: Chris Thiessen 
Show theme composed by Abigail Flowers
Seasonal show theme arranged by Zach & Maggie White
Additional music provided by Blue Dot Sessions
Show artwork created by Rachel Hardacre
Audio mastered by Kevin Morris 


Dog Agility with Toast and Amy


Wild Turkey Conservation, pt. 1: This is Wild Turkey Conservation